Thursday, January 13, 2005

Look Man

Its so stupid - a bunch of vultutres they are - and why make fun of something that so many people hold sacred? I mean, I CHALLENGE these beliefes but others make fun of it, or try to profit from the satire and ridicule of the christian faith. There's a large group of people who make fun of christianity just to make money, or to make christians look bad, or to cause an even wider rift between the christian culture and the progressive more left groups. It's so stupid - so very very stupid the way people make fun of being gay, make fun of being christian, make fun, make fun, make fun. Laugh about everything and thats the answer to everything.

Laughter is madness. Laughter is a spasm. Laughter is a drug induced orgasm. Laughter is stupidity. How can we make light and laugh about things so serious? Why is it so accepted to make fun of so many things while the issues are suffering a general lack of healing. Laughter is a healer but it is also a killer. Make fun of things - poke fun, poke a stick in the shit and pull it out and smell it. Wave it around, fling the steaming smelly organic sticky crap all over your world and all over yourself. Make the world a happy place you worthless lost ass.

How can you draw a conclusion and why do you jump to such conclusions such as the will of God for America or that there's no god. What is right and what is wrong? In this world we live in, it is only determined by respect. Respect for our community. I do have a sensitive spot for the name of jesus because like all things, it is a path and for some is sacred. I would not make this path a laughing matter. Respect for your community and your role in it is what reinforces your actions. Some poeple say the law and the bible should be the same... or that when the law becomes different from the bible, we should cry out.

If you're gonna make fun of something - have you been there? Have you been in those shoes? Are you just uncomfortable and cant stand diversity? You have to make fun of what's different? Do you believe in anything? Is it something you hide because you're afraid people will make fun of it? the same way you make fun of others who believe in something. When you believe in something, you are blessed. You are hot or cold. When you dont believe in anything, you're luke warm. Fear is weakness and weakness is fear. Strength is courage and courage is knowing yourself. Courage is power and that is knowing yourself and taking actions and reacting according to a doctrine and constitution that you believe in. Don't be a coward. Don't worry about things. Decide. Stand up. Set your face against something. Push something. Believe in something and put all your strength and passion behind it, using your body, mind and spirit, listening to reason and processing the rebuke with zeal.

So what do i believe in? That's none of your business. The reason I write, is to speak out of a reservoir of truths that i find to be universaly applicable to all energy forms. My experience is different from yours. My truth is different from yours but shares the same laws of actuation and unction. Beyond the tip of your nose is not your responsibility. This area is taken care of by the energy you emit and is like a dance of numbers on paper as to the trail of processes that returns to you. You can't control the waves once they leave you and no matter what waves you send out after them they are going to bring back to you an equal reciprocity effect. This is sometimes called Karma. Call it what you will. The point is, you live your life from the inside out. You cannot fix or stop the flaming arrows you send out once they are sent. You get only what you give. Some say they have an unfair life. They feel that life is unjust for them... perhaps for everyone. This in itself causes them to suffer and is a form of depression. Depression is the state of being in a room that you do not want to be in, yet feeling that you cannot escape. Perhaps it is that you are impatient and not willing to put in the effort to build or devise a way out. You have to find hope. You have to have faith in something. wait for it, believe that it will come. Look for it. Keep your eyes open. Reach for it. Expect it. And from the ceiling will come a rope ladder out. It may be real it might be fake but either way its a way out... it is the key that unlocks the blockage and allows you to move in the way light wishes to move... electricity and energy. You can move and feel the world and affect the world and be alive and be among the living. You can hold the live wire that lights up others who need faith and who are also looking for that way out. This will prove to you that you are alive.

I really hate band wagons - i hate the real world reality tv thing. I hate the "gay agenda" that the protestants perceive. I hate the gay tv trend that is so "naughty"... because its not naughty. It's not funny... any more. It's over used. Its just reality now... and we all know that reality tv is anything but reality - thank goodness we dont HAVE to watch tv because it treally sucks. It really really sucks. I want real reality. I want individuality.

Ok I'm pretty tired now. I really don't know myself. I know this because I don't understand why I'm so different than others. I don't understand why they tell me things that surprise me about their perceptions of me. I cherrish those that will talk to me.. It's rare that I find someone who will talk to me and humor me on my turf. Mostly its people that I myself find very interesting and challenging. I want to challenge myself and i seek a challenge.

I really should get to bed.. I'm developing a new lifestyle for myself and I'm pretty excited about it. It is a very intricately outlined system of productivity.

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