Monday, January 31, 2005

That Was Funny - Do it AGAIN!

I'd love to be able to write on a dime - to be able to spit out things that are relevant - at any given time - but i can't - Its like... a faucet - ya know... the reservoire is there in the giant tank above the city - and if you want some, you turn the dial and it comes out - when you want it - and exactly as much as you want - i wish i could be that way - cause then i could write and say things that are perfectly relevant and concise and of the right amplitude to serve the needs of the moment at hand. BUT I can't - not yet anyways. But I'm just being aware of it... the reason is...

ID LOVE TO WRITE A BOOK!!!!!! - with little tid bits, and pictures and drawings - something with a great cover and a provocative title and that would be a good table top item... and put it in all the coffee houses.. if it was any good id get someone to put up some money to back it... to publish it... but staying to the point here... id like to have a book ... and that means i would have to learn to be a writer.. and lets see.. typing is one skill that i could use.. to type really fast without looking... in order to keep up with my thoughts and my mind... without loosing that flow... from the reservoir in my head. The photos would probably be invasive and the words would probably be a little challenging and revealing of my mind. It would be nice.

So I have to find, or be open to finding a way to reach this ... i could write here in the coffee house, and also design the pages and the photos. I wonder how i'd do the layout - hmmm maybe i should look into that.

Someone said I should just let it go and just make a book of my htoughts - let my thoughts be on paper - as smooth as you please. Just as proud as can be... in spite of being different. - or sporatic or senseless! but mostly i do make sense.... if you get a laugh or a stimulation out of it - cool cool cool.

So not only do i love photography and I'm good at it, but the same goes for writing - and i dont care about typos... if you care, then this book wont be for you. HA!

I should keep taking notes - life is so hard - in my head - and you'll find out why - and youll learn about my thoughts - once and for all... this production online needs the truth - all of it. YEAH!

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