Monday, October 23, 2006

Banks are Difficult

yeah. I dont really know whats up with this whole banking thing. I mean, I'm glad to have a bank account, especially after all the troubles I've had in that dept. But for real, banks only staying open till 3pm? How am i supposed to handle that?

I mean, I get up around 2 most of the time.

I'm gonna look into other banks, but I don't know if they will accept me. We'll have to see! Right now, I'm with Wachovia. I like them. I don't really wanna change banks at all... so. We'll see if any other banks are progressive enough for my low money and late sleeping pattern.

"We have just the account for you Mr Mayes! You're important to us - you will be glad to learn about out "sleep late and don't have any money" account."

See, what happened today was, I went to ride my bike to the bank and it was closed. I checked the hours the other day - i must have looked at the wrong address. But it is a paid to ride that far - i have to go up a huge hill plus its sometimes raining and always cold. I think i am done with the whole bike riding thing too. I'm not really that excited about riding bikes up hill. I'm patient, and like to walk. Sometimes I find cell phones on the ground... i just have to get a power adapter for it. It's broken tho so it might blow up in my face. But i know its got a lot of time left on it.

I talked to the guy in the "local" photography store and thought he was very cool. We talked for hours about social science... from a street/artist civilian view.

I'm listening to my music right now - and its sounding nice - i dont always like my music. I have to get over that someday. I really like listening to my electro stuff and my more soulful vocal stuff.

Ok I'm out - gonna maybe write some in another one of my blogs now.

1 comment:

James M Graham said...

Try Washington Mutual.


; )